Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing #13 Delicious

Delicious is an interesting site. I have always kept my use of computers very simple. I don't bookmark, I don't use an address list on my personal computer. I don't want to take the chance of passing on a virus or other bad problems to friends I e-mail.

I like the idea of keeping sites I would like to bookmark on a website. It is neat that I can click on sites I listed and go to that site. That's really helpful. I have my students do some sort of research assignment for many of the units we study. I give them a list of websites to use to help them with their research. Sometimes students tell me about a site they have found and I try to remember to go back and add it to my handout I give them.

If I set up a Delicious account for each of my subjects, I can put on websites. Students can access them and add good ones they find.

I wish there were a way to create folders on Delicious, so I could group the sites around different periods of history. It seems that after a while, the list may get to long and unwieldy.

I think that would be a problem for librarians using Delicious. The list of websites could grow quite substantial and the only way to search through it would be by the use of tags. If you don't use the correct word, you could miss a great site.


  1. The lack of folders bothers me too, but I am determined to get past it because of the ease of being able to call up any saved website from any computer!

    Everyone who uses it more regularly than I says the keywords (tags) become the replacement for I guess we will need to create our tags carefully!

    I am determined to make this an important tool!

  2. another good way to gather web sites would be to use royllo. I have done it with several classes and it works really well. You will get a chance to play with that site.

  3. I can see how tags would be really important. The first tag could be which grade, the next tag to describe the unit.

    I think Delicious will be very helpful this next year.
